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Computer Aided Engineering in plastic injection

11 December 2018 | Piotr Sochaczewski

How to achieve TIME SAVINGS in automotive projects 

The automotive industry provides us with complex projects that require both precise technical and financial analyses. The idea of time-saving has become a key issue in the constant drive to create innovative solutions. In permanent need of cost reduction based on minimizing the time and resources needed, we are also supported by CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) software developers.

Creating a reliable offer is possible through preparation of a feasibility assessment and accurate calculation of the assumed costs. Using simulation methods, we have the opportunity to make an initial estimate of the injection parameters and packaging process, which allows us to plan their optimization at an early stage.

Time savings start when the project begins 

The first time savings translating into cost reduction appear as early as during the preparation of a component's design. We support our customers at the part design and prototyping stage, and we also indicate potential technological risks at this point in the process. Our actions allow us to shorten the first stages of the project while still being in the development phase of the product's design. Then, during the DFM (Design for Manufacturing) phase of creating the tool, we focus on deeper analysis of rheology, tool kinematics and thermal balance.

We know that introducing changes after a tool has already been made can be very expensive. In a situation like that, the cost of modifying the injection mold is only one of the issues – additional tests, further sample shipments, measurements and all the other processes that must be repeated generate additional costs. To sum up, inappropriate DFM analysis may affect the profitability of the entire project. In some cases, it is not possible to correct the tool and alternative solutions must be applied. Such solutions often involve preparing a second cavity or even a second version of the tool according to a different technical concept.

Basing our actions on optimization shortens the phase of both preparing the part's design as well as its prototyping. Thorough analysis of the shape, taking into account technological requirements and paying attention to its unique mechanical or aesthetic features – all of this contributes to reducing costs at later stages of the project's implementation.

Our time is Your time

At Knauf Industries, we encourage innovative solutions that support the work of engineers. We invest in systems that enable injection simulation analysis and work in an integrated CAD environment (Computer Aided Design) within the entire KNAUF Industries group. We understand the client's needs and respond to them by introducing the idea of time-savings into our approach. Specialized software allows us to optimize time and costs, but above all, it enables us to provide a high quality product at an optimal price.


Author of the article

Piotr Sochaczewski
Technical Account Manager

About the Author

“As an engineer I am focused on the technical aspect of designing plastic parts and tooling. However, my clients’ needs are always the most important factor affecting my attitude. Every day, I face challenges that expand my knowledge. At the end of the day, that is the most satisfying part of the job.”

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