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Choosing a manufacturing partner in automotive industry

13 December 2021

In order to be able to produce the highest quality products, it is often a necessary step to enlist the support of a partner supplying the chosen components. How to choose a manufacturing partner in the automotive industry?

What is a partner in manufacturing?

A manufacturing partner is a company that carries out a component production or design and production requested by a given company in order to help the contracting party achieve its goals and ensure access to high-quality products. Deciding on a business partnership is a very important and cost-effective step in the automotive market – a strategic collaboration between two companies enables both parties to grow and increase productivity. The definition of a manufacturing company that could be a suitable candidate for a manufacturing partner is a company that operates in a similar area and is able to ensure that a constant supply chain is maintained. As a result, a competitive advantage in the market can be effectively achieved. Companies that rely on working with proven partners can often expect much better results than companies that choose to handle every stage of product development in-house.

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Reasons to hire a partner in manufacturing

Among other things, manufacturing partners enable a better distribution of responsibility between the two companies. This is very important, as the manufacturing processes leading up to the release of a complete product are not simple – mistakes are possible during their implementation. This is especially true if one company tries to produce every product from scratch. This approach creates the risk of failure on many different levels. It is enough that one part at an early stage of production is made incorrectly by a machine, or there is an employee error for the whole production process of a given element to end in failure.

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For this reason, the partner manufacturing model, in which one partner – the manufacturer – provides the other with suitably prepared parts for the jointly created component, is becoming more and more popular. This collaboration can take many forms – sometimes one of the parties deals only with distribution, and in other cases sourcing components from the supplier is one part of the whole process. Regardless of the details of the specific case, the manufacturing partner can significantly improve the performance of the contracting company.

Reduced manufacturing time

This is one of the most important benefits of working with a manufacturing partner. By dividing the product development process into two companies, it is much easier to meet the deadlines and work in parallel. Faster implementation results primarily in shorter time-to-market, which can translate into a much more attractive offer.

See more: DFM – Design for Manufacturing in the automotive industry. Advantages, added value and costs

Higher product quality

Moreover, deciding on the right manufacturing partner allows you to benefit from the highest quality materials and specialized approach. For this reason, you should opt for an experienced company that may boast of high-end equipment and experienced staff.

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Simplifying manufacturing processes

From the perspective of the company's managers, it is also a great convenience to reduce the burden of responsibility for the entire production process. A manufacturing partnership means that it is not necessary to oversee all stages of the production of a component. Complete components that meet all specification requirements are delivered to the company.

See more: Injection mold manufacturing in cooperation with Knauf Automotive – from design to the finished product

How to find a manufacturing partner for your product?

In order to determine how to find a manufacturer for a particular product, it is necessary to determine the exact needs of your own business. Only then can you move on to the process of selecting a company that will handle a particular part of the manufacturing process, taking into account the specifics of your own operations and products. Partnership negotiations will be most successful only when you know both the needs of the ordering company and the expectations that the manufacturing partner should meet.

What should you expect from a manufacturing partner?

When considering a manufacturing partnership, the first thing to consider is whether the potential partner is able to produce the parts according to the expected standard. Quality is a priority, but meeting product standards is equally important. Bringing another company into the manufacturing process is always a risk – but with the right preparation, it can be a very profitable choice.

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How to approach a partner in manufacturing?

Finding a manufacturer for a product can be difficult. However, properly setting the requirements and reaching out to companies that are able to provide sufficient quality can make the process much less complicated. At the stage of initial arrangements, the manufacturing company can in a sense be treated as an investor in the business – both parties must be interested in the product as well as the benefits of cooperation. Building the right relationship between the companies is a process in which both partners should participate equally.

Knauf Automotive – a proven manufacturing partner in the automotive industry

One manufacturer that has had numerous collaborations with other brands is Knauf Automotive. The company deals with the processing of plastics, including EPP and EPS foams as well as injection-molded components. The manufacturer is characterized by extensive experience and knowledge of the automotive market, as well as the use of modern manufacturing technologies. In addition, it uses solutions to improve the manufacturing process, such as specialized software to control and optimize the design of molds. This way, the manufactured parts are durable, safe and in compliance with the specifications.

See more: Automotive components manufactured by Knauf Automotive

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