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The Future of the Automotive Value Chain

Production efficiency
The Future of the Automotive Value Chain

Automotive players are facing disruptive times. Following the last report The Future of the Automotive Value Chain 2025 and Beyond, Deloitte is focusing on possible developments in the supplier market and their implications for decision makers.

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Bi-component injection technology

Production efficiency, New technologies
Bi-component injection technology

Another step towards Industry 4.0 at the Knauf Industries plant in Wrocław. Read our interview with Janusz Kołucki, Plant Manager at Knauf Industries Wrocław. We discussed the new investment, which builds up another layer of the value added that we can offer our automotive customers.

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Computer Aided Engineering in plastic injection

New technologies
Computer Aided Engineering in plastic injection

The automotive industry provides us with complex projects that require both precise technical and financial analyses. The idea of time-saving has become a key issue in the constant drive to create innovative solutions. In permanent need of cost reduction based on minimizing the time and resources needed, we are also supported by CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) software developers.

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