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How to make driving in the sun safer?

12 August 2024

Driving on sunny days can be quite a challenge, especially when you have to deal with glare caused by the sunlight bouncing off the windshield. While safety rules are paramount, using the right solutions and systems improving driving comfort and safety can help you.  

What makes driving in the sun dangerous? 

While natural light is widely regarded as helpful to drivers on the road and crucial for solar-powered cars, too much sunlight can be dangerous – even when you are behind the wheel of one of the safest cars. The risks include reduced visibility due to glare, distracting and disturbing reflections and – last but not least – general discomfort caused by high temperatures and your body overheating. All of this can leave you distracted on a bright, sunny day. According to some studies, the number of accidents rises in the summer, even though winter and fall are characterised by far worse road conditions. 

Visibility issues while driving 

Glare is one of the most common problems associated with driving on sunny days. Sunlight bouncing off the windscreen can make it harder to notice other vehicles and pedestrians, as well the situation on the road, thus increasing the risk of accidents. According to the British Police, glare is more dangerous than rain, snowfall and fog. Being blinded by sunlight was recognised as the main cause of accidents which leave 3,900 people injured every year. Visibility can also be hampered by light bouncing off the tarmac, other vehicles or buildings. This can not only temporarily leave you blinded, but also distract you and make you turn your eyes from the road or miss a pedestrian crossing. Your focus on the road can also be hampered by potentially disorientating sudden changes in lighting, which can occur when driving under viaducts or through tunnels.  

Impact of high interior temperatures on driving safety 

High temperatures are another factor that can cause discomfort, even in spite of air conditioning. Heat rays that enter the car through the windows cause general fatigue and drowsiness, which lowers focus, hampers your ability to assess the situation on the road and can even inhibit your decision-making skills. According to studies, excessive heat can increase driver reaction times by up to 20%, which results in a much higher risk of accidents. Prolonged exposure to heat in an overheated vehicle can have serious adverse effects – as your body overheats, you might experience dizziness and nausea. In extreme cases, it can lead to losing consciousness. That is why you need to use common sense, take breaks during your trip and follow the safety rules. 

Impact of high interior temperatures on driving safety 

There are some very simple and popular ways to protect your eyes from sunlight. You should always keep in mind to use the available solutions to shield your eyes, including car visors, as well as polarised glasses, which reduce glare and thus improve visibility. Keeping your windscreens and wipers clean is another key tip. Any dirt or smudges on the glass can cause glare when exposed to light and significantly hamper visibility. The police reminds that other basics include reducing speed and keeping a sufficient distance from other vehicles to allow time and space to react if necessary. This is also where active and passive smart safety systems in cars get to shine – they improve driving safety in difficult conditions.  

What solutions car manufacturers use to increase safety when driving in the sun? 

Modern cars come with a whole range of solutions that support the driver while improving comfort. Pedestrian detection and blind spot detection systems can be particularly useful on sunny days while dealing with blinding light. Lane assist is also a great feature to have on these days. It automatically detects the markings on the road and warns you if you cross the painted lines or corrects your steering on its own. In the future autonomous vehicles will largely replace human drivers in a variety of scenarios. Other features which are great to have include photochromatic rear-view mirrors, which get a darker tint under bright light to reduce glare. The car can also be fitted with tinted windows, which not only reduce interior overheating but also lower the risk of being blinded by light from the side windows. Safety-enhancing solutions also include various kinds of cooling seats and air-conditioning systems, which lower the temperature in the cabin and thus increase driving comfort. Of course, we cannot overlook obligatory safety systems in cars such as airbags which protect the driver and passengers when all other systems have failed. 

Sun visors for cars 

Sun visors manufactured at the Knauf Industries factory.
Sun visors manufactured at the Knauf Industries factory.

The main thing protecting the driver’s eyes while driving on sunny days are folding sun visors installed on the right and left side of the windscreen. These car visors are made of a variety of materials and sometimes have a number of interesting features, including tilting to the side, special pockets for parking tickets, as well as illuminated passenger mirror. Sun visors are made of a variety of materials that prioritise durability, functionality and aesthetics. In many cases, manufacturers make them of hard plastics such as polypropylene or ABS, which are then covered with fabric or faux leather. Depending on the model, visors can also be filled with soft PU foam to make them softer. However, these multi-material solutions are difficult to recycle after they reach end of life and their quality might sometimes leave a lot to be desired. At Knauf Industries we have developed extensive expertise in the manufacture of EPP (expanded polypropylene) foam visors characterised by attractive flat design and high-precision moulding. Depending on your needs of vehicle design, the car visor can be fitted with mirrors to further enhance their functionality.  

High quality EPP sun visors by Knauf Industries  

Sun visor made of EPP.
Sun visor made of EPP. 

The unique 'double action' sun visor manufacturing technology used by our company enables forming thin-walled and flat structures with a high degree of accuracy. This technology enables us to perfectly fit the moulded visor elements into the recess in the ceiling lining, which elevates the design of the interior and the feeling of attention to every detail. The double action technology requires special moulds, which enable us to reproduce complex shapes and surface textures, boosting the visual appeal and tactility of the features. Crafted out of fully-recyclable monomaterial, our solution is compliant with EU regulations concerning ecodesign and the circular economy. The durable, deformation-resistant and ultralight material can be recycled at the end of its life cycle into raw material for making new components without any compromises in terms of quality.   

Thanks to this innovative technology, we are able to deliver products that meet the highest standards in terms of quality, design and sustainability, thereby consolidating our leading position as a supplier of car interior components to demanding automotive clients. 

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