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How does a car radiator work?

Car structure
How does a car radiator work?

Efficient operation of the power unit requires optimal conditions – including maintaining the right temperature. This task rests with the car radiator. How does this component work?

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EPP covers for hydrogen tanks – hydrogen tank protection

EPP covers for hydrogen tanks – hydrogen tank protection

The use of hydrogen to power vehicles is a topic that is gaining more and more interest in the automotive industry. However, such solutions come with certain challenges – one of which is the proper protection of the tanks. For this purpose, it is worth taking a closer look at EPP, or foamed polypropylene, covers.

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Extended range hybrids – combining ecology and efficiency

Hybrid cars
Extended range hybrids – combining ecology and efficiency

The automotive industry is increasingly focusing on lowering emissions, mainly by reducing the use of internal combustion vehicles. Hybrid and electric cars are steadily gaining in popularity – it’s worth finding out what the differences are between the types.

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Additional car equipment – car seat options

Vehicle safety
Additional car equipment – car seat options

Electric seat adjustment, seat memory and ventilated or heated car seats are just a few examples of the most desirable car accessories. How do they work and what is their impact on driving comfort and safety?


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