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Examples, types and application of mass production 

Production efficiency
Examples, types and application of mass production 

Plastic parts are most often manufactured using the method of serial production. This is one of three types of production distinguished by the volume of components produced. What distinguishes it from the other types, i.e. mass production and single-unit production?

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How to properly use the car clutch and footrest?

Car structure
How to properly use the car clutch and footrest?

Many drivers don’t realize that mishandling the clutch can lead to clutch failure and costly repairs. Keeping the left foot on the pedal not only leads to clutch failure, but can also be dangerous. The correct way to do this should be resting the foot on a properly shaped car footrest.

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When will electric cars be cheaper than combustion cars?

Electric cars
When will electric cars be cheaper than combustion cars?

Today, for many people buying an electric car is still far too expensive and the internal combustion engine is still the dominant mode of propulsion. However, experts at Bloomberg NEF indicate that even before the end of this decade, electric car prices could drop enough to make them cheaper than combustion cars.

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